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Energy Audits

Do you want to improve the energy efficiency of your home? An energy audit is a good place to start. To schedule an assessment and discuss our home energy services in Wixom or a surrounding area in southeastern Michigan, get in touch with the FiberClass Insulation team!

A home energy audit is an assessment that can show you where your home is losing energy (and how you can save money). It uses tools and techniques such as the blower door test to give you an overall picture of your home’s energy efficiency. A home energy assessment can reveal issues such as:

  • Air leaks
  • Insufficient amounts of insulation (with an insulation inspection)
  • Problems with combustion appliances (gas stoves, furnaces, etc.)

Energy Auditing in Southeastern MI

If you want to learn more about our home energy services—including a comprehensive assessment—look to FiberClass Insulation. We would love to talk to you about your options and how to increase the energy efficiency of your home!

Contact us today!

Products We Install
Fiberglass Insulation

We install high-quality batt and blown-in fiberglass insulation.

Spray Foam Insulation

FiberClass Insulation is proud to be a leading installer of spray foam insulation.

Cellulose Insulation

Environmentally friendly and effective, cellulose works well in homes and buildings.


FireClass is proud to be a leading installer of fireplaces.

Air Sealing

Our team includes air sealing in our insulation projects.

Energy Audits

Our team can help you save money with a home energy audit.


We fabricate gutters on site and also replace existing gutters.

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